Monday, September 7, 2009

What I've been doing mostly is silent self-psychotherapy. It is a practice that evolved from my meditation, which consists of being as aware as possible of all the thoughts that pass through my mind. In fact, I would have to say that it is the only way that I can honestly try to be aware of my thoughts. There are many thoughts that are painful and scary. It is natural for a person to block those thoughts one way or another.

So, to get to them, I am constantly asking myself, what am I anxious about? (When I am feeling anxious, which is much of the time.) Allowing yourself to be aware of anxieties bears with it the danger of increasing anxiety, or being too immersed in it. So, in order to allow myself to be aware of thoughts that cause me anxiety, I constantly comfort myself around the anxieties. In the next post, I'll try to give examples.

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