Friday, February 25, 2011

New Practice

I have a new practice that I hope will allow me to be courageous in all situations. Whenever I feel a fear that I can notice and name, I tell myself, "And I am going to die at some point." If I am unafraid of dying, I don't need to be afraid of anything else. Because, what's the worst that could happen, as a result of the thing that is causing me fear? I might die.

So the monologue might go something like this: "I am going to run out of money. And I am going to die at some point."
"I am going to run out of money because I don't spend enough time working. And I am going to die at some point."
"I don't spend enough time working because I am following my best understanding of what I ought to be doing at this moment."
 "There is a real possibility that I could face humiliation and public censure, due to legal troubles that arise due to not having enough money and not working hard enough to get it."
"And I am going to die at some point."

Either you can serve God or Mammon. There is only one person inside your head (if you are healthy), and only that person can decide what to do. You will be known by your fruits.

If I don't follow my own best judgment, I am lying to myself.

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